Undergraduate Minor in Geography
TSU offers a minor in Geography. Students are introduced to the environmental, cultural, and human aspects of the world and its various regions. In addition, they develop skills, through hands-on training, in areas such as cartography and geographic information systems. Through all programmatic offerings in the Department, students are prepared for careers in either the public sector or private industry, for post-graduate professional degrees (in law, medicine, or business, for example), and for graduate studies. On a broader level, members of the Department view knowledge of the discipline of geography as fundamental to the understanding of one's background and to develop an appreciation of diverse peoples and cultures, as students are prepared to function effectively as citizens of their community, their nation, and the world.
The Minor in Geography Courses
21 semester credit hours are required through enrollment in no less than 12 semester credit hours at the 300-level or 400-level. All students must enroll in GEOG 132 (3-semester credits), must enroll for 6-semester credits from each of the focus areas listed below, and must enroll for 6-semester credits of electives selected from either focus area.
Focus Area 1 for the minor in Geography focuses on Cultural/Human Geography and consists of the following 3-credit courses: GEOG 230, GEOG 231, GEOG 331, GEOG 332, GEOG 337, and GEOG 430. Focus Area 2 for the minor in Geography focuses on Land Use Analysis and consists of the following courses: GEOG 330 (3 credits), GEOG 338 (4 credits), GEOG 431 (3 credits), and GEOG 432 (3 credits).