Ph.D., Illinois State University
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Departments: Administration of Justice
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert M Mupier is an Associate Professor of Administration of Justice in the Administration of Justice Department at Texas Southern University. His principal teaching assignments include research and quantitative methods at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Prior to his current position, he served as an Associate Professor for eight years in the College of Juvenile Justice at Prairie View A&M University where his principal teaching assignments comprised research methods, applied statistical methods and economics of crime at the graduate level. As a graduate faculty, he chaired, and was member of, master’s theses and also a member of dissertation committee, in addition to serving as the chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). At Prairie View, Dr. Mupier served also as the Program Evaluation and Research Coordinator for the Juvenile Crime Prevention Center.
Dr. Mupier received a MBA degree from Western Illinois University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Illinois State. He has over twenty years of college teaching in the area of business and economics,
quantitative analysis for management, statistics and research methods for the social sciences. He served as an Acting Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention High Risk Youth Program,after serving as an Evaluator of the same program, and as a Research Associate and Statistician at the Violence Alcohol and Drug (VAD) Research Center at Central State University, at Wilberforce, Ohio. He also served as the Evaluator of the Heinold Crime Prevention Project and the Creating Lasting Connections Project funded to the University of Cincinnati through the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services. His experience in research and evaluation relative to alcohol abuse, crime and delinquency involves every stage of the research process, starting with data collection through surveys and interviews, data input and management, in-depth data analysis (using multiple regression, logistic regression and loglinear models, etc), literature review and manuscripts writing, designing and conducting process and outcome evaluation to determine the effectiveness the relevant prevention programs. In this capacity, he has co-authored many articles on the subject of adolescents’ alcohol and substance abuse, juvenile delinquency and violence.
Dr. Mupier was co-author of a funded grant from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) in the amount of 1.35 million dollars to investigate the effects of mentoring on substance abuse, juvenile crime and delinquency prevention. Dr. Mupier received the Faculty of the year award for excellence in research in the 2001-2002 academic year (College of Juvenile Justice and Psychology).
Recently, he received a seed grant from Texas Southern University in the amount of $9,870 to investigate the role of economic factors in the commission of crime.
Areas of Specialization:
Afro Centrism and Criminality, Economics of Crime, Global Terrorism and Security in Africa, Program Evaluation, Quantitative Methods, Statistical Analysis