Professor & Executive Director of Forensic Science Learning Lab
PharmD., Ph.D., F-ABFT
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Departments: Administration of Justice


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Ashraf Mozayani is an international and nationally known forensic scientist with decades of experience in forensic laboratory management, forensic toxicology, and pharmacology. She is the Executive Director of Forensic Sciences Learning Lab and a Professor at Texas Southern University. Prior to this position, she was the Crime Lab Director, as well as Chief Toxicologist, for Harris County Institute of Forensic Science for more than fifteen years, and the Chief Toxicologist in Washington D.C. Dr. Mozayani is former member of Texas Forensic Science Commission selected by current and prior Texas Governors. Dr. Mozayani received a Doctorate of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Toxicology from the University of Alberta in Canada and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Tehran in Iran. She is a board-certified fellow from American Board of Forensic Toxicologist. Dr. Mozayani served as the President of Southwestern Association of Toxicologist, Board of Directors of Society of Forensic Toxicologists and Board of Directors of American Society of Crime Lab Directors. She is currently an active member of Forensic Research Committee, Dr. Mozayani was the recipient of Harger Toxicology Award from American Academy of Forensic Science in 2019.

Dr. Mozayani has served forensic community as a crime lab director, chief Toxicologists, clinical lab director, assessor for different accredited bodies, mentor and Quality assurance manager, in ASCLD/LAB, ABFT, NAME, CLIA, CAP and ISO/IEC accredited laboratories for more than twenty years. She has authored and co-authored six books on topics such as Forensic Laboratory Management, Investigation of Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault, Collection & Management of Evidence from Scene to Courtroom, and Forensic Drug Interactions.

 Dr. Mozayani is an assessor for National Laboratory Certification Program and licensed as a clinical lab director in States of Florida, New York, and Louisiana. Dr. Mozayani has been as a forensic consultant with law enforcement, forensic laboratories staff, attorneys, and judges for more than twenty-five years. She is an expert toxicologist in drug and driving impairment (DUI/DWI), postmortem toxicology and drug facilitated crime. She has testified in civil and criminal cases as an expert witness or consultant related to forensic toxicology along with pharmacology in the states of Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas, California, Idaho, Montana, the Federal Court in Massachusetts, and the numerous Military Courts of the United States.

Areas of Specialization:

Dr. Mozayani’ s research crosses several topics from forensic science leadership, accreditation, criminal justice reform, forensic science and forensic toxicology including postmortem interpretation, Drug interactions, driving while impair.

Some of Dr. Mozayani’ s major areas of expertise include postmortem interpretation of drugs, role of alcohol and drugs in drug-facilitated sexual assault, human performance toxicology/behavioral toxicology and impaired driving and workplace.

3100 Cleburne Street | Houston, Texas 77004 713-313-6849